Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Grandpa buys 8 year old girl, and makes her his wife?!?!

Mind-boggling events going on lately. In Saudi Arabia, an 8 year old girls' father sells her into a marriage with a 58 year old man. Her father entered her into this marriage for $7,500, and a VERBAL contract that her 58 year old husband can not consumate the marriage until she's a legal adult. Her mother found out and tried to get a divorce for her daughter, only to be ruled against by the court. The court says the little girl can not divorce her husband until she hits puberty. I beilieve this is one of the saddessed things I've ever heard. Selling your daughter to an OBVIOUSE pedophile!! He willingly married an 8 year old girl. I doubt that his thoughts were pure about her keeping her virtue till she's an adult.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog address. It gives me an idea about what you are writing about in your blog.
    You may want to start each story with a different header, or lead up to the next story with a tie in sentence. What if you made each story it's own seperate blog?
    Don't forget to spellcheck!
