Friday, March 12, 2010

"Living the American dream" to "Living the American nightmare"{A nations' debt,and its governments' financial ignorance}Americans educate Americans

Current/Recent Event/news involving President Obama:
website/ and source::

1. A year after launch, the Obama administrations 75 billion dollar housing help program has failed. The mortgage plan is hurting economic recovery. Homeowners in foreclosure have hit a record number proving that HAMP failed every practical measure. In March of 09’, administration officials said the plan would help 3 - 4 million homeowners avoid foreclosure, while now, almost a year later, it has only helped 116,000 homeowners attain a permanent loan modification; And is currently showing only over a million homeowners receiving temporary fixes on their mortgages.

If we got rid of the Electoral College, what kind of impact would this have on presidential politics?

2. I think the many promises made to the people and the few of them kept have a great impact on presidential politics. If the president makes mistakes like this after less than a year later since HAMP launched, it shows how indecisive he is. The people perceive him as being out of the loop, and not as informed as what he had implied during his campaign. With mistakes being made, in which the repercussions is losing your home, or causes Americans to go into a financial crises, come re-election the damage this “mortgage plan” debacle has caused to the financial state of an “American family” will be irrevocable. Come re-election, it could go either way. Those in office lose touch with the people, and while they can see the financial crises, we are in; they are not able to grasp, exactly how much financial turmoil they have caused the average American family in the future. Usually those who re-elect the president are ones voted into their position by people who share the same mind set as they do. The people knew, or at least know now, who they voted to represent them for decisions like this. The families that had been avid home-renters were “informed” that this plan would work are now in financial trouble because it is not.

What impact would it have on the president while he/she is in office?

3. I believe that it would have an impact on how they act in office. To answer to the people and not to others in office, would knock a person in office down a few pegs. That is why we have terms of office; even the people make mistakes on who we vote to represent our state and our country. We can only go by what they said during campaigning and we only know what is in the news. We only recognize our vote as a mistake or not after the election when our hope for a change, is squashed by a disappointing outcome such as (HAMP). Honestly, how president Obama did not understand that with his 75 billion dollar mortgage plan for homeowners from last year was pushing our nations pocket book as it was. Therefore, when he said, "I want to know. Why we are not doing more," When it came to Haiti's natural disaster; how much more can we do? Our nation is in a financial crisis. The American dollar will be worth less than dirt at the way money is being mishandled and wasted on things such as the waste of money by congress, on office supplies, or mishandling money with plans such as HAMP that aren't as fail proof as what we were lead to believe. Our country will be in foreclosure. While the rest of the world views our death penalty as "human rights atrocity", sees our culture as believing in ethnocentrism, but then something horrible goes on in another country, and we jump to assist them. Therefore, either way our country is in a deep whole of financial and political disarray, but we need to find a way from sinking deeper into that whole, not carrying the weight of other countries issues, while still dealing with our own.

My discussion board responses from fellow class members:

Response 1: Loletha

In response to your DB, I believe some of what you stated is true. However, the President came in this trying to correct mistakes made before he came into office. Yes, we have many foreclosures and it is looking up just a little. Nevertheless, some people need to understand that it takes time to get this economy in a steady flow and you have to make mistakes to get somewhere positive.

Response 2:Jerry

Loletha said:

["In response to your DB, I believe some of what you stated is true. However, the President came in this trying to correct mistakes made before he came into office. Yes, we have many foreclosures and it is looking up just a little. But, some people need to understand that it takes time to get this economy in a steady flow and you have to make mistakes to get somewhere positive."]

-You are right when you say it takes time to correct the negative economic situation we are in today. However, I cannot see how you can say that Obama was not somewhat involved in creating the economy he inherited. After all, he was a Senator and his voting record tells a tale of political shenanigans no different from most politicians, of course with the exception of maybe Ron Paul. Obama as the President has limited power alone, besides his ability to use executive orders, which require nobody's vote. Many people, who support him, apparently don't understand what his ideology really is and he isn't telling what it is either. His actions will ultimately tell the story over time.
Do you think it is fiscally responsible to continue to spend money we do not have? What if we all did that? Our continued spending will no doubt bankrupt the country and the global monetary fund will no longer be based on a devalued dollar. Do you really understand the implications of continuing down this path? Our founding fathers wrote a Constitution specifically designed to minimize government control because they knew what it did to England. That is why they left and created a republic here. What do you think made America such a great country all these years? Our strength comes from the innovative free market, where any man, no matter what family he is born to, or what race he is, can become independently wealthy through hard work and perseverance.
Just remember this if you really think it is the government's job to take care of you: We the people of this great land control the government, because WE pay their salaries. A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government strong enough to take everything you have. That's what Thomas Jefferson said, and I agree. I like my privacy and my freedom too much to just sit back and let socialization take it from me. That is what it is when the government has too much control in the private sector. Control that people will allow because they are getting free stuff and not having to work for it. This economic structure is not what our Founders envisioned. So yeah, I think Obama was right during the campaign when he said, "We are five days away from fundamentally changing America." Key word here is fundamentally. Takes the change all the way back to the roots of our republic. Change that is not necessary and certainly unwanted by the majority of the people.
Since the topic is on special interests this week, let us not forget Andy Stern. He is the leader of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and Obama's number one advisor. At least that is what it seems since he is the most frequent visitor to the White House out of all others. Hrmmm...a special interest UNION PRESIDENT advising the President of the United States. Look up Andy Stern and check out his ideology. It will shed a little light on the true agenda of this administration. I am very concerned about the direction this President is taking the country and we all should try to spend a little more time reading and watching current political events to help us form an educated opinion of our own. Not just going with the general peer group assessment, which is nothing more than popularity opinion. Better yet, watch Fox News as well as the others, to get a different perspective that the lamestream media does not project. It is YOUR country, don't let politicians’ run her into the ground and sacrifice your children's freedom.
Work Cited:

Karl Rove, former G.W. Bush advisor, a term frequently uses “Lamestream”. Not sure of the origin.

Response 3:Kelly

I understand completely as you have stated the President is trying his best to correct 8 years of mistakes. The mortgage plan is failing because people are being trick into get house that they cannot afford not because of his plan. In addition, the plan can help you if you meet the requirements many people have be caught cheating when they go that apply for his plan. I am not stating that it only the peoples fault yes his plan had many flaws but he is doing his best.

1 comment:

  1. ARE YOU BLIND?? What are your thought of our presidents mortgage plan now??? How about his Health reform, hmm? BETTER YET, what are your thought on federal state funds being CUTT, schools losing teachers, class sizes increasing to 28-30 students a class, and state programs like ECI firing employees and limiting resources in order to save money and pay the federal government, of which OUR PRESIDENT is GIVING MONEY TO OTHER COUNTRIES WHILE CUTTING BACK ON FUNDING OF U.S. PUBLIC SCHOOLS, and other federally funded programs. I would rather pay MY tax paying dollars to fund HHSC in the U.S. then to pay TAX to support countries who do diddley squat for the U.S. and would rather spit on our American flag than to raise it proudly in support of our country's continueous help felt WORLD WIDE!
