Monday, March 8, 2010

Murderers of Africa kill hundreds

Nigeria: More than 200 dead in religious violence

These murders are committed by Muslim extremists. Their acts do NOT represent the beliefs of the religion itself. These murderers use violence and murder as a way to maintain power and their religious beliefs as excuses for them. Honestly, why there hasn't been any foreign military intervention in Africa is BEYOND me. While I do think the U.S. has over extended our generosity to help aid other countries or their people, our government has inexcusably IGNORED the mass slaughtering, and inhumane acts of millions, example 1) Rwanda.Now, today, the horrifying and dehumanizing acts that are happening in the Congo is PROOF that while we, the people of the U.S. voted for a change, and what we have received is seriously lacking in results. Obama should be listed as false advertisement, he's already not kept his word twice now on issues he claimed to solve during election. Our country is diverse and excepting of all social changes. Why we are criticized by the rest of the world for our "American way of life" and our "American way of thinking" and then seeing this, is incredulous. Critics of the U.S., around the world bash us for intervening in a mad mans quest for ethnic superiority by committing genocide, for insuring that we kept our word about giving freedom to a country's people, and protecting those people, now, while they have no government, no military protection, and are on a verge of civil war with each other, and amongst each group! There are hundreds of thousands of ignored outcries from victims all over the world. They are begging for someone to help stop their living nightmare. I question all those who criticize the U.S., Who are you to judge us? What kind of nation would we be to ignore the outcries and pleas for help, from a people who are being slaughtered?!Should we ignore the victims of a country because they are not Americans, and are crying out from another country? Is deviance relative? What we see as murder, rape,pedophilia, human rights atrocity's, etc., in America, is seen as a part of the norm in societies throughout the world. Sadly that is true, but is there a Universal right, or wrong for all humankind? Yes, I believe there is.If deviance is relative, then how is it that people throughout the world have been murdered for going against their culture's/ and society's beliefs? Last year in Dallas/Ft. Worth two teenage girls were murdered by their father, an act referred to as a "honor killing" by their aunt. They knew the risks and what actions would be considered disgracing the family name. Yet they rebelled for their freedom to choose how they wanted to live their life. There father said they became too Americanized. Wow, who would have thought that moving to a country that allows freedom of speech and doesn't strip a woman's rights, would influence those two TEENAGE girls, free thinking and expressing their rights in AMERICA!This is the same story around the world, "honor killings" is just another way to justify murder of a woman in a society and culture that sees women as objects and nothing more.

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